Private French Tutoring Services
in Broadstairs, and the Thanet area
Vous parlez Français ?
"English may be the world's predominant business language, but if you can speak just some of another language, it can be a great help."
Contact me today on
(01843) 448 917
07501 621 464
One-to-one fees
Fees are fixed depending on the travel involved.
Within Thanet, the standard fee is fixed to £30 for a 60 minutes session.
Outside of Thanet (i.e. Canterbury, Whitstable,
Sandwich, Deal) the standard fee is fixed at £35 for a 60 minute session.
The fee includes advance preparation of individual lessons, homework, printing of worksheets.
Group tuition
Group tuition fees will depend on the number of group participants.
The fee includes advance preparation of lessons, homework, printing of worksheets.
Business tuition
One-to-one tuition fee is £40 an hour.
Group tuition fee is £50 an hour.
The fee includes advance preparation of lessons, homework, printing of worksheets.
I am quite prepared to undertake a no obligation,
free consultation, to discuss your specific requirements in details.

GCSE tuition
Fees are fixed depending on the travel involved.
Within Thanet, the standard fee is fixed to £30 for a 60 minutes session.
Outside of Thanet (i.e. Canterbury, Whitstable,
Sandwich, Deal) the standard fee is fixed at £35 for a 60 minute session.
A-Level tuition
Fees are fixed depending on the travel involved.
Within Thanet, the standard fee is fixed to £35 for a 60 minutes session.
Outside of Thanet (i.e. Canterbury, Whitstable,
Sandwich, Deal) the standard fee is fixed at £40 for a 60 minute session.